Influence(r) Marketing is powerful.

From an idea born over ten years ago to a human-driven and technology-supported practice used by thousands of organizations today, the power of Influence(r) marketing has been widely accepted across every industry - B2B, B2C and everything in between.

When executed correctly, Influence(r) Marketing is incredibly effective and efficient. Inpulsus is here to help.


What we’re working on…

“The disparity between experimentation and maturity in influencer marketing at global enterprises is still vast, but our research demonstrates the desire and intent for Influence 2.0 to take root in organisations”

Brian Solis
Global Innovation Evangelist, Salesforce - “Are marketers stuck in an influencer marketing ‘tactical trap?

It isn’t easy.

Do these questions sound familiar?

  • We keep spending more and more on clicks - how can we reduce our reliance on PPC and still grow?

  • We think we have potential “influencers”, but we don’t have the experience to take advantage of them.

  • What online conversations do we really need to be a part of? Where are they taking place?

  • How can we be sure our content marketing is fully engaging our target audiences?

  • How do we measure the effectiveness of our Influence(r) Marketing efforts and spend?

  • How do we bring our Influence(r) Marketing program in-house, putting the right team and processes in place?

Influence(r) Marketing is hard to get right. This is where Inpulsus comes in. We are a strategic consultancy that helps organizations with the transformations required to make them highly effective at Influence(r) Marketing.


“Our biggest challenge with influencer marketing was to retune the mindset of how our team functioned…We restructured our marketing team from traditional silos to incorporating influencer marketing into every role. In the beginning, it was somewhat difficult to establish cross-collaboration within our team, but the result was exceedingly worthwhile.”

— Chelsea Riggs
Brand President, Amika - “Staging a Brand Rebellion

Yes, it’s on purpose.

You’re maybe wondering why we say Influence(r) all over our content.

Simple - it’s because we think of influence as a strategy not as an individual. While you may be wary of influencers, your organization surely needs influence.


“If you’re in business, you’re in the business of influence.”

— Philip Sheldrake
Author - “The Business of Influence – Transforming Marketing and PR for the Digital Age

What we do.

Inpulsus offers an outcomes-based suite of services depending on your maturity level and where you aspire to take your Influence(r) Marketing program.

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Whether you’ve been on the sidelines and are seeking to benchmark your competitors; or have experienced early wins but want to expand influence inside your marketing strategy, Inpulsus will get you moving in the right direction.


“The gap is widening between brands that have understood the ROI, with a clear organization and use of relevant tools, and those that are still stuck in a tactical approach without a clear understanding of what return they can expect from influencer campaigns.”

— Gregory Pouy
Founder, La Mercatique - “The State of Influence 2.0

Our team.

Inpulsus is a trusted team of former co-workers with deep marketing, research and technology experience. We have engaged across global markets and varied business segments.

We work hard and smart for our clients. Let us show you how.

The customers are the marketers. The content they're creating is doing our marketing job ... much better than us. As soon as you accept that fact, you'll also come to terms with this idea that our content is not king ... their content is king. So the focus of marketing must pivot dramatically. How do we spend less effort on our stories and more effort on their stories?

— Mark Shaefer
Author - “Marketing Rebellion - The Most Human Company Wins

Partnership matters.


Today’s ecosystem associated with Influence(r) Marketing is complex and sophisticated. There are a variety of valuable technology and service providers whose offerings are highly complementary to our mission.

We lead platform evaluations for our clients and help deploy technology from a broad roster of proven solution providers including, but not limited to:

Influencer relations is the natural evolution, this is the place to be because this is the future of communications. We find that many different departments can benefit from outside connections and collaborations. We may not call it influencer marketing all the time, but that’s what it is.”

Amanda Duncan
Global Communications & Storytelling, Microsoft - ”Influence Marketing at Scale

The Pulse by Inpulsus.

This is now the home for sharing our thoughts and observations on the latest developments in the area of Influence(r) Marketing and some of our prior threads.


How do early-stage B2B companies create market awareness?

Getting past the expensive (and less effective) addiction to PPC.

The ROI of Influence(r) Marketing - Part I

Defining Influence(r) Marketing ROI is the Modern Marketing challenge.

“Comparatively in terms of its cost, influencer marketing is benchmarked against our media buying teams but that doesn’t even allow for the additional value of those recommendations coming from people that the audiences trust and it’s really hard to put a metric against that. We know that for every £1 spent, influencer marketing outperforms most of our other channels.”

Melanie Kentish
Head of Influencer Engagement , SKY - “How SKY Implemented an Influencer Strategy that Outperforms

Shall we connect?

Inpulsus was created to be a virtual services organization from its inception.

With a global team distributed around the world, we cover nearly every time zone. Our working language is English, but we speak a variety of other tongues. Comment pouvons nous aider?

“If a brand is serious about scaling its social influencer relations… A dedicated team, much like an analyst relations team or a PR team, is one of the ways to scale current efforts.”

– Dr. Konstanze Alex-Brown
Corporate Storytelling, Cisco - “Managing Influencer Programs